3. Pirika: Anti-litter Social Platform

Pirika: Anti-litter Social Platform

Used across the globe, overseeing the collection of over 350 million pieces of litter.
We are developing a variety of services utilizing the Pirika anti-litter social platform.

Working to solve the littering problem

Litter is all around us, at schools, workplaces, and near our homes.

Over time, these pieces of litter eventually end up in the ocean through rivers and waterways, causing marine pollution and extensive damage to the ecosystem.

In 2011, we developed Social Media "Pirika" with the aim of solving the major global issue of plastic pollution. Through Pirika, litter-picking activity circles have rapidly expanded nationwide and internationally, reaching the landmark of 300 million pieces of trash being picked up through Pirika in May 2023.

Furthermore, we have utilized insight and data gained from the Pirika social media app to release "Pirika for Governments" and "Pirika for Businesses and Organizations" to support the CSR activities of local governments and businesses, further expanding our support for individuals and groups partaking in cleanup activities.

Our services

Pirika, Inc. provides services using Social Media "Pirika".

Pirika for Governments can summarize and visualize the process and achievements of local clean-up activities and deliver them as a website. By visualizing the data of local clean-up activities, this helps to comprehend the effects of cleanup promotion measures efficiently and quantitaively. It also allows citizens to interact with each other online, which stimulates citizens' cleanup activities and contributes to making cities cleaner.

With Pirika for Governments or Pirika for Businesses and Organizations, benefit from your dedicated web page to summarize and visualize the process and achievements of your community, company, or organization's litter picking activities and their results. If you are interested, please visit our corporate site.

For more information, follow the link below.