
Pirika for Governments

Embellish your region and liven up your community.

Have you ever thought that you want to ... ?

  • increase the participants in community cleanup campaign.
  • support and stay informed of voluntary cleanup activities initiated by private companies and citizen groups.
  • strengthen partnership with businesses and organizations to stimulate activities in the local community.

By visualizing the effects of the litter picking activities, "Pirika for Governments" can contribute to stimulating local communities and drawing more participants to cleanup campaigns, thus improving the efficiency of beautification projects.

Used in more than 130 countries and regions and have overseen more than 350 million items of litter being picked up, Pirika can be used not only to promote cooperation with companies and volunteer organizations, but also to motivate individual activities. It allows everyone in the local community to be connected through a fun and environmental-friendly way.

Expected results

Visualization of cleanup activity data image

Visualization of cleanup activity data

Tabulate and report quantitative results from your cleanup activities, such as the total number of participants and the amount of litter picked up.Allows you to quantify your impact.

Continued implementation of activities

Continued implementation of activities

The ability to simply record and share activities in addition to the user-to-user communication features allows users of all ages to enjoy their participation.

Communication and public relations for community beautification projects

Communication and public relations for community beautification projects

Quantitatively measuring and understanding the efforts of local governments in community beautification projects can help with public relations.


The Litter Picking Data Visualization Page – display the local government's cleanup activities in visual graphics

By using Pirika for Governments, you can easily track your clean-up activities, inspire others to do the same, and help to make the world cleaner.
Helps to see the results of cleanup activities by visually and quantitatively monitoring the implementation of the group's litter picking activities. You can create your own original web page by combining some components below.

  • A counter for number of participants and quantity of litter picked up
  • Graphs showing the number of participants and the amount of litter picked up
  • Location information of collected litter
  • User post timeline
  • Information board for cleanup activities
  • Information board displaying messages from the page owner
  • List of cleanup groups within the community

Reporting and management of illegal dumping, etc.

On Social Media "Pirika", users can report illegal dumping along with images. Local governments that implement reporting management will be promptly notified of reports by email.

Reporting and management of illegal dumping, etc.のイメージ画像

Benefits of the reporting function

  • Be notified of illegal dumping by email at all times
  • Determine the location of the illegal dumping using the photo location information.
  • Helps with the preparation for collecting the illegally dumped trash.
  • Eliminates the need for confirmation calls.
  • Allows residents to easily report illegal dumping.



List of local authorities that have installed Pirika


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Other Services

We offer solutions tailored to specific challenges related to litter and the environment. Please feel free to contact us.

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